Countdown until I lose it

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mark Foley makes Ben angry

Ben is completely pissed that the damn Republicans have once again drawn a creepy parallel between gay men and being a pervert. It is bad enough that Mark Foley checks himself into rehab following the discovery of his innappropriate behavior. If I were an alcoholic I would be angry at this association. But, to compound the insult he has chosen this time to come out as being gay -- just so typical.
I have another theory. My theory involves Foley as a man with a lifelong identity crisis precipitated by having to deny his true self to rise to power in the Republican Party. As he became comfortable in his seat of power he became more careless in covering his creepy tracks. However, assuming he is a normal gay man, all of this could have been avoided if he could have just chosen to be true to himself even if that meant not rising to power in the Republican Party. On the other hand, if he is just a perv -- which is how I am inclined to view him -- how about if he doesn't try to associate himself with the gay community. Which, is NOT, a community of men who are sexual predators targeting young boys.

1 comment:

flawedperfection said...

Thank you TAB. Ame!!!. I am so tired of these men who do these horrible things-- which most often involve breaking the law-- coming out of the closet in order to distract society from the true crimes they committed. How about the millions of "everyday gays", like myself, who manage to embrace who they are, who are not in positions of real power, and who still manage not to break the law!!

Gay men are NOT pedafiles and are not people who have such low morales that they would embezzle millions of dollars out the NJ state budget to pay off their gay loves: a la McGreevey.

I want these creepes to stop associating with my culture. They are not good enough to be a part of my community, and all they do in the end is hurt the reputation that us everyday gays worked so hard to achieve with society.