Countdown until I lose it

Monday, February 19, 2007

Civil Unions for Everyone!

As many of you know, New Jersey now supports Civil Unions for same sex couples. And, as per usual, conservative Christians are outraged. Apparently, gay rights put the sanctity of marriage in jeopardy. Never mind divorce, substance abuse, physical abuse, and infidelity - clearly gay rights is ruining marriage.
Personally, I feel that states shouldn't grant anyone a marriage license. Our government should ONLY have the power to grant civil unions to couples, hetero- or homo-. Then if a couple wishes to enter into the covenant of marriage that can be done through their church. There are religions who honor same sex marriages and those that don't. But, at least one has the choice of where to worship.
So, there it is -- take "marriage" out of the government's hands all together.

1 comment:

flawedperfection said...

Yep, Yep to that!