Countdown until I lose it

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Chain letters still? C'mon ladies

I just can't take it anymore. How is it that my 30 something friends, all independent, intelligent women still seem to fall for this crap. Today, I opened my e-mail and once again was greeted by a forwarded letter, complete with the 10+ headings that none of the previous "forwarders" had bothered to clean up. It was the story of some woman whose son died, blah, blah, blah... Now, I am not heartless, but give me a freakin break. The sender of this message apparently thinks that I not only have time to read this crap, but that I believe it and will send it to 10 more people. I usually just straight up delete these messages without even reading them. If I believed what these messages claim, at this point I have likely squashed the hopes and dreams of countless women as they now will not have the good fortune promised to them since I "broke the chain".
Considering that all their lives remain miserable you would think that they would either stop believing these e-mails work. Or, at least begin to suspect that someone is breaking the chain. So, today I made my Arianna Huffington move of fearlessness -- I "replied to all" with the following message,
"You have to stop falling for these chain letters.

p.s. please forward this to 10 other crack head mommies who insist on continuing to forward chain letters"

Less than 10 minutes later I recieved a reply from a stay at home mom who I particularly adore. It said simply, "I am bored :-((((((".

I felt bad. Despite the colon, dash, end paren that got on my nerves a bit, I couldn't help think that some of my formerly strong and fearless friends are losing themselves to motherhood. My new fearless move is going to be making an effort to reach out to those friends and help to fill the void currently being filled with crappy chain letters with the friendship that helped us all become the powerful women we are today.


Andre Stefan said...

just tell them to repeat this mantra over and over again until they stop being soft: "strong independent mothers cant be denied"

Anonymous said...

You are a good person...and apparently a good friend

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?